Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Power Women- Working from Home

Unfortunately, there are many of you reading this who can completely relate to this content. I say “unfortunately”, not because of a predisposed judgment on single moms, but only because I would certainly wish for a complete, whole, and happy life for all of our readers. But the fact is, single motherhood abounds in our nation. My mother raised the 5 of us single-handedly for much of our lives—sometimes even when she was married to one of her 5 husbands. And thus it is one of my goals to make a significant impact in the lives of single mothers nationwide with the knowledge and technology that is now available for women working from home. Let’s face it. It’s hard enough raising your children alone. But attempting to make a positive influence in their lives with only a couple hours of exposure each day is clearly not for the feint of heart. Add financial strains of all kinds, contentious interactions with a family, and a lack of time to rejuvenate your own sanity, this working Mom stuff is the job of a saint! (Ok, I admit that it doesn’t look very saintly right now, but don’t worry, history has a way of clearing away some of the bad moments and teaching your children in their later years that you were right on so many levels. *wink* ) Ok. You already know how tough your job is, right? Well, allow me to share with you how it can get much easier; thanks to the availability of real marketing knowledge and modern technology, women no longer have to choose between expensive day care, leaving their children for the majority of the day in the hands of teachers and strangers, deciding between health insurance or positive extracurricular activities, and so many other choices that are painful for any mother to make who truly cares for her children. Surely you never dreamed of growing up someday and ending up handling all that life dishes out on your own. With the right knowledge, you no longer have to make that choice.

My favorite sister in the whole wide world had two little girls to care for, all by herself. Meanwhile, she was also battling an abusive husband in the court system as well to retain custody of one of them. The last thing she wanted to do was to relinquish her girls to anything other than her nurturing, love, and values. At this time, I was earning a very good income working in the wholesale portion of the residential industry. My sister was a sharp cookie, and I was convinced that if I could train her properly, she could do what I did, which did not require me to leave the house for hours on end. Essentially, I did a lot of work from my home, my computer, and my phone. Bless my sister’s heart. She faithfully and patiently studied with me for several hours a day for a week—long distance via telephone and computer— to learn the mortgage business inside and out. And as a result she landed a job as a wholesale account executive where she could still be at the crossroads of her daughter’s lives. Sure she had to work hard learning the information. Sure she had to venture where she never had before. But she made it and her girls have grown up amazingly well-balanced and wonderful!

My point is, you have a wealth of knowledge right now. Yes, WEALTH. You simply need to connect with individuals who can assist you in leveraging that knowledge.
There’s a popular story known as Acres of Diamonds. I find especially when I consult with single mom’s that they have this belief that they have very little to offer the world from home that anyone would pay for, let alone enough to support their family. And yet you do not have to look far to see evidence that that simply is not the case. What about the famous stay-at-home blogger who now makes more money blogging from home than she did at a high-paying IT job? Or what about Stephanie Meyer who writes national best-selling books from the comfort of her home? What about successful home sales specialists who provide fellowship in addition to quality products from companies such as Reliv, Pampered Chef, or Mary Kay? I personally have dozens of friends who are SUCCESSFUL women working in this aspect of business. We’re not talking about stuffing envelopes or making cold calls, here. You have numerous examples of fulfilling roles and prestigious women leaders. (In fact, you can hear from 4 of them at the upcoming Ultimate Success Gala on November 13-15 in Salt Lake City! Carolyn Kepcher, Susan Adams, Chin-Ning Chu, and Sydney Biddle Barrows will rock your world with their examples of a realistic and achievable strength and power!)

This advice isn’t simply for working moms. It’s applicable for individuals who are working hard at numerous jobs and still not making ends meet, or for the married mom who feels compelled to leave home to help bring in income for the family. You no longer have to make that painful choice. YOU CAN LEARN TO LEVERAGE YOUR EXISTING KNOWLEDGE and earn a living which actually sustains you—while you work from home. All you need to do is learn how to leverage the information you’ve been given through your education, life’s experiences, or your hobbies. Whether you want to work in the mortgage industry, scrapbooking, network marketing, cooking, or belly dancing, it doesn’t matter. The tools are available for you NOW. I know this because I live by this rule and am able to support the livelihood of all of my employees as well by implementing these real and applicable strategies. I just wish my mother could have seen it in her lifetime. It’s available in yours. So take advantage of it!

I will do my part. I will gladly provide you with access to my knowledge and expertise with the same fervor that I did my sister so many years ago, so that I can repay my wonderful single mother for all that she did for us kids and also for all of the other single moms out there who struggle so hard to make ends meet.

Single Moms, I salute you!

If you would like access to your exclusive, expert training in the three most important components of success— Money, Mind Marketing, register today for a free trial membership at http://www.moneymindmarketing.com/ You and your family have everything to gain!

Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop. All rights reserved. You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.

Kellene's Playlist

A Worth-While Cause...

A Worth-While Cause...
Kellene with Marie Osmond, Co-Founder of The Children’s Miracle Network and Creator of the beautiful Marie Osmond Dolls. (Be sure to catch Donny and Marie’s Show in Vegas beginning Sept. 9, 2008!)