Friday, March 6, 2009

Is Swiss Banking in Cahoots with the IRS?

Here’s food for thought for you. Is the Swiss Banking system actually cahoots in with the IRS and our government? I believe there is sufficient evidence to indicate that their recent buckling to legal maneuvering on the part of the U.S. and their supposed outrage at having to do so, is merely a ruse. I believe that there is reason to believe that there’s more to these actions of divulging names of their U.S. depositors than simply complying with the premise of a lawsuit. You decide.

So here’s the problem with the U.S. suing the Swiss Banking system to reveal the names of its account holders who may be guilty of tax fraud or tax evasion. You’ve got at least 2 wrongs that definitely aren’t making up any rights.

First of all, it’s a fishing expedition. None of these individuals have been proven in the U.S. to have committed tax fraud or tax evasion. And yet without formal indictments the U.S. feels that it has cause to subpoena every American-held account in Switzerland? No, instead the U.S. is making suppositions that if someone has an overseas account in the Swiss Banking system then they must be committing a crime. That kind of supposition is AGAINST our legal system and our due process of law.

Additionally, IF the government’s idea of tax fraud or evasion has ANYTHING to do with paying federal income taxes, then that too is illegal on our country’s part as federal income taxes are indeed illegal. We merely pay them out of fear, submission, and ignorance. No wonder we see IRS agents training with guns! I’m sorry. Someone tell me again why IRS tax collectors need to train with guns? Hey if it’s for their own self-defense, I’m all for it. But it’s the IRS who sanctions and REQUIRES such training. (Man, I’m sure many of you would love to work for a company that requires you to use a firearm instead of penalizing you from even storing one in your car on company property!) A repo man is not allowed to use a gun to get property back. Are we supposed to believe that the IRS is a government entity? Um…it is NOT. These are U.S. citizens who have been deceived into believing they work for an official government entity and are enforcing some kind of federal law by collecting taxes on our labor—at gun point if necessary! So why do the IRS have so much authority to spread fear into American citizens? Oh, yeah…now I get it – because the IRS cannot commit their actions with the strength of truth and the law behind them. They can only get away with what they do via force, fear, and brutal compulsion. If you don’t believe a word I’ve said in this regard, check on the testimony of countless former IRS Agents who have been fired and socially skewered for questioning the IRS tax system, unable to find any justification for the federal income tax, who they themselves do NOT pay a federal income tax as a result of their belief that the law is on their side — and join a million of other Americans who do not pay their federal income tax, and who have boldly attempted to get their findings out to the rest of the citizens in the U.S. One last note on the IRS — after decades of protestors taking this matter to courts of every level, to their IRS supervisors, and to legal mediation, there has yet to be ONE person who can show the LAW which enables the IRS to collect personal income tax. Even the Supreme Court found that the 16th Amendment did NOT provide any new power or authority to tax than the government had prior to the 16th Amendment.

Second fly in the ointment. Tax evasion is not illegal in Switzerland. And tax fraud has to be proven. The fact that the Swiss Banking system has collapsed to a law suit by the U.S. government has suspicion written all over it. The Swiss Banking system generated 36 percent of their income in the U.S. last year. They contribute to about 20 percent of their economic growth in their own nation every year. The fact that they would crumble like a sick dog due to a suit filed in a U.S. federal court is very suspicious to me. Either their nation is crumbling, or ours made a sweet deal with them. After acquiescing to providing 300 names to the U.S. (not evidence of any wrong-doing, mind you, just names, hence the “fishing expedition theory”) the U.S. turned around and sued for over 52,000 more names!! Now how much do you want to bet that the U.S. doesn’t even have cases filed for over 52,000 wealthy individuals they suspect of tax fraud or evasion? Switzerland has no legal justification to accommodate such a request other than bullying and fear or other reprisals. Peter V. Kunz, head of the business law department at the University of Bern stated, “Switzerland is afraid of fishing expeditions from abroad,” Kunz said. “It cannot be that just out of curiosity, without any hint of illegality, foreign authorities come to Switzerland and ask for information.” The ridiculous nature of what is happening is that Switzerland IS allowing individuals to get information simply out of curiosity!
Bank secrecy is literally a cash cow in the Swiss Banking systems. They could lose at least 50 percent of their depositors if they do not recover from this scandal immediately.

Michigan Senator Carl Levin who oversees the U.S. Senate subcommittee which is investigating United Bank of Switzerland proposed new laws this week to STOP Americans from acting freely with their own money and to prevent them from using offshore financial centers altogether. (This legislation was previously sponsored by Barack Obama!) That’s right. Our own currency and economy is going to hell in a hand basket, and this uppity senator wants to ensure that we all go down with it! At the very least they want to be able to put stiffer taxes on those with offshore accounts and give the Treasury Department the authority to take action against foreign jurisdictions that impede their efforts.

Our government claims that “conduct that actively facilitates tax evasion amounts to a declaration of war by offshore secrecy jurisdictions against honest, hardworking taxpayers. We’re determined to fight back and end the abuses inflicted on us by those tax havens.” In my opinion those who have placed some of their assets overseas are merely fighting the war that already exists within our own borders of illegal tax burdens and an economy that is unstable and out of control BECAUSE OF CHOICES WHICH OUR GOVERNMENT HAS MADE…not some act of God. To me, our government bullying one of our allies in this manner and attempting to eliminate this venue for the income earners of our nation is no different than them attempting to take our firearms away. I truly believe that they are indeed attempting to give us nothing to fight back with, including our own money.

Now how is this kind of reach of power even possible across country borders? Because of the Federal Reserve and its relationship with the World Bank, that’s how. And here we thought we lived in a republic, when in fact we are being governed by an international banking entity.

This problem will not fix itself folks. We don’t get to live in a republic if we do not act like free citizens and use our freedom to right wrongs. Take action. Start writing and start calling your government “leaders.”

Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop. All rights reserved. You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Apathy to Bondage

As I shared earlier, bailing out the auto manufacturers of GM and Chrysler is a very bad idea. These companies have already shown that they are incapable of running a tight ship. And they could easily declare bankruptcy and never pay back the American taxpayers the money we’ve given them. Well, guess what? That’s exactly what GMs auditors are saying is going to happen with GM. In spite of the bailout monies given to them, there is still talk of filing for bankruptcy “protection.” I love how they call it that in corporate America. “Protection”…like the taxpayers are the bad guys for wanting their bailout money paid back.

As you know AIG has been granted MORE money. This is what really irks me. GM and Chrysler are auto manufacturers. I suppose you can expect that they will “miscalculate” money. But AIG is a money manager! Not only were they criminal in their handling of money previously, but we gave them a bailout and they’ve shown that they are consistent with their mismanagement of money yet again! What part of us giving them MORE money doesn’t seem incredibly ludicrous to anyone else out there?

And yet we Americans have allowed this insanity to rage on. Who reading this has actually taken time to write their government “leaders” and let them know that this is unacceptable? Very, very few. And since the rationale can be applied that the “very few” don’t reflect the sentiments of the majority, the insanity rages on because our government “leaders” have forgotten their responsibility is to solely defend and protect our freedoms. If such a crystal clear ruler was used when they made such insane financial decisions, then the bail out would never have happened in the first place, let alone the stimulus package. In what way do these monies defend and protect the freedoms of American citizens life, liberty, and possession of property? NONE. It only creates a heavier burden of bondage on us due to the horrific taxation that will follow.

I pray that it is not too late for Americans to take action and responsibility for the insurance of their own freedoms instead of continuing to delegate incompetents to do so.

In Freedom,


Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop. All rights reserved. You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Economy - Real Life, Real Time

*There's a brand spanking new house on my street that has lost over $10,000 in equity every single month for the last 10 months!

*The Dow is just barely above 7,000 points which is a critical support level of our economy. Once it goes down below that, then we will lose a significant number of investors who have reliably played a part in our economy.

*Banks STILL are not lending freely with the tax dollars we've provided them--whether it be home mortgages, business loans or auto loans. Previously banks would issue about 130% of the book value of a brand new car so long as you had a credit score above 680. Now you have to have a 750 credit score to get 105% of the book value for a brand new car! Wait a minute. I give you the money so that you can lend, and then you don't lend to those who gave you the money? Something is VERY wrong here.

*Cheese, produce, and grains have increased in price by as much as 400%. I used be able to buy an artichoke for less than a dollar each. Now it's nearly $4 each. A bag of wheat used to cost $8.99 for a 50 pound bag. Now it's as much as $45 for the same 50 pounds! The same goes for rice, cheese, milk, etc.

I don't know how "rich" Obama thinks the wealthy are, but he's ridiculous to think that the rich are going to be able to pull us out of the recession. Thinking that the government is the answer to this crisis is WORSE than "The Emperor's New Clothes" because the emperor is strutting around naked, trying to tell everyone that he's wearing new clothes, but he actually KNOWS that he's strutting around in his birthday suit!

There is discussion going on in Capital Hill right now that in order to "save" the elderly, they are going to take over the administration of retirement accounts. WHAT? You mean the same government who can't properly oversee the bankrupt Social Security accounts of our nation now want us to believe that they can handle our other retirement accounts? This is the same government which doesn't know the difference between a Promise and a Lie.

The government can't even count votes, can't pay their own taxes, overpays by BILLIONS of dollars for assets which they buy, can't "make" banks give loans even when they provide them with the money to do so, can't protect the freedom of our citizens — which is their number one responsibility — and can't even take the time to read what they are voting on, and yet we're supposed to believe that they are the sole solution for this economic meltdown? PUH-LEEZE!

If this keeps up we'll WISH we were living in a socialistic nation, only because it's the lesser evil to a monarchy!

I believe that there are still REAL Americans out there that are starting to recognize that they've been hoodwinked, who are not cowards as the Attorney General likes to call them. I think a Boston Tea Party is the least of our governments concerns.

The Government has forgotten their purpose – to SERVE the American people. Instead they are helping themselves to the fruits of the labors of the American people. They have forgotten that a FREE people are responsible for giving them any power in the first place, and that a FREE people have the rights to reclaim and reorganize that power.

People of America, exercise your rights and make those cell phones and e-mails, fax machines and overpriced stamps actually mean something. WRITE your legislatures, senators, congressmen, governors. Reclaim your freedoms! Our hard earned liberties which have cost the lives of thousands are being depleted more stringently and in more atrocious manners than any cause ever before!

Our lives, liberty and property depend on these freedoms. Our peace and happiness depend on these freedoms.

This crisis of our nation isn't just about "overcoming the economy". Warren Buffet was quoted today as saying that the American people “have overcome worse." No, they have NOT — to be completely forthright. They have NEVER been confronted with such a financial crisis COMBINED with a crisis of freedoms and rights! Their money AND their freedoms are being stripped away. This is a crisis that we have NEVER had to overcome previously. I PRAY that we have the strength to overcome it now.

To find out who your local legislatures, senators, congressmen, governors are to contact, please visit

Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop. All rights reserved. You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.

Kellene's Playlist

A Worth-While Cause...

A Worth-While Cause...
Kellene with Marie Osmond, Co-Founder of The Children’s Miracle Network and Creator of the beautiful Marie Osmond Dolls. (Be sure to catch Donny and Marie’s Show in Vegas beginning Sept. 9, 2008!)