Tuesday, September 9, 2008

American Taxation

A Double Whammy!

As an American, I feel that it is absolutely irresponsible to not understand how money really works in this nation. A full comprehension of this topic will actually instill a more prudent behavior in our own financial habits - at least that’s my belief. Such a behavior will lead to less anxiety, stress, and chaos in our lives.

For starters, those of you who would mistakenly pipe up that the Canadian dollar is now worth the same as a U.S. dollar as a result of our deficit; you are missing a large chunk of the rest of the story. The fact is our dollar is devalued because there is an abundance of U.S. currency in circulation. The value of the dollar is directly related to supply and demand. For instance, remember when cell phones were first sold in our nation, the prices were prohibitive for many. However, now that they are more abundant and commonplace, the prices have lowered to as little as “free” in many instances.

It used to be that the Federal Reserve published a report which contained an M3 number. This figure would convey to the public just how much money was actually in circulation. Mysteriously, the Federal Reserve has elected to no longer provide the public with that figure. Thus their printing presses can continue to roll out currency as they see fit, watering down the value of our dollar. Our foreign nations who trade heavily with us are not imbecilic economists. Clearly the only reason to NOT provide such a number is to hide the true value of our currency. And as such, international trading with us has been subdued.

This is Economics 101…(although not likely to be taught as such.) Suppose I was investing in fine art. Wouldn’t it be reasonable for me to know just how many pieces an artist created? Of course. As it would determine the value of any art I purchased by this artist. So why would anyone invest in a commodity who’s true value cannot be rightly determined?

Be aware that the Federal Reserve is a nation unto itself. It is NOT part of the U.S. Government. Sure the Federal Reserve Chairman is appointed by the U.S. president, but are you certain that whom he appoints is of his own choosing? You keep spouting how we need to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil; how about eliminating our dependence on the foreign nation that rules our currency? All of the U.S. Presidents who have attempted to stand up to and eliminate this cartel dependence have met with serious demise. (Kennedy, Reagan for example.)

If our nation’s currency can simply be printed up in accordance to the Feds whims, with no checks and balances, then the value of the dollar is questionable. Thus in my mind it behooves us to incur as little debt as possible so that we remove ourselves from this shell game as much as possible.

Why is our budget deficit $407 billion dollars? Because those that play with the money only see it as Monopoly money. They figure they can simply print more. “Let’s just call the Federal Reserve and ask them to loan us more money.” Where does this money come from? A check? Where is the money that backs up the check? It’s not money, it’s a printing press. Unfortunately, it’s REAL hours we work for every year through the month of May to pay for our nation’s REAL debt. That debt is paid for by the sweat of our brows. Our federal income taxes do not go for road improvements, social security, or Medicaid. It all goes to pay the INTEREST on the debt that our nation’s “leaders” have imposed upon us. I have no offense in paying for the services that I require. But unfortunately I’m not receiving the benefit of those services. I cannot count on Social Security when I need to retire, neither can 80+% of all retirement-aged Americans. I could go on and on here with the façade of services we’ve been led to believe our tax dollars pay for, but the bottom line is we’ve had very little say in what our tax dollars pay buy, or how they enslave us. Now that’s what I call “taxation without representation.” And not only are we being arduously taxed, but those dollars with which we pay our taxes are being destabilized dramatically. A Double Whammy!

So here’s my solution, as a patriotic American I say let’s be proud to be American and let’s take advantage of the freedoms that we still have in this country. This doesn’t mean we have to like what they do with our financial matters, but fortunately they don’t have ultimate control. This nation was built on the backs of visionary entrepreneurs and it’s future lies in the hands of those same visionary, determined hearts. I feel like so many of us get so tired keeping up with our business and keeping our heads above water that we forget that we are very powerful in determining our outcome. So learn what game you’re really playing in, and learn how to leverage your entrepreneurial inclinations to maximize your prosperity so you don’t need their credit.

If you would like to increase your prosperity, join the Money, Mind, Marketing consulting program today. This is the only complete consulting program which shows you how to leverage your knowledge to create unprecedented business results, and to live a life of true prosperity, not just one on paper. Sure marketing knowledge is important, but what good is it if it’s unaccompanied by a sound understanding of fiscal matters as well. By learning from a true expert and my innovative money strategies, you can expect to increase your business revenue at little as 20% to as much as 600% in the next 12 months! Simply go to http://www.moneymindmarketing.com/ to begin.

You may also desire to subscribe to the nation’s only non-politically or fiscally motivated publication, Monetary Intelligence Magazine. Go to http://www.monetaryintel.com/ to register for your marketing, money and mind mastery without the fluff.

Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop. All rights reserved. You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.

Kellene's Playlist

A Worth-While Cause...

A Worth-While Cause...
Kellene with Marie Osmond, Co-Founder of The Children’s Miracle Network and Creator of the beautiful Marie Osmond Dolls. (Be sure to catch Donny and Marie’s Show in Vegas beginning Sept. 9, 2008!)