Thursday, February 19, 2009

War On America Is Here!

Perhaps our citizens are waiting for the news to flash a headline that we’ve been invaded by a terrorist group and their location is X and their numbers are X and they are armed with X and their intent is X. Unfortunately, as a result of many only willing to recognize such an act as a genuine threat on our freedoms, many will not act in spite of a very real, more subtle, strategic and deadly war brought within our borders.

There are over eight thousand Americans being killed every year by this infiltration.

I believe that some serious education is necessary for American citizens so that they can rationally and logically see this situation for what it is.

For the record, I wholeheartedly embrace any foreign immigrants who come to our nation—legally. I love their input and talents which are so different from the norm. However, tolerance for illegal acts by illegal immigrants is costing our nation everything we hold dear. Consequently, I have no tolerance for the initial and subsequent illegal acts that stem from the vast amount of illegal aliens. Why? Because when they come here illegally, an enormous domino effect occurs which drastically compromises the freedoms and liberties which so many have paid for financially and with their lives.

Here are the facts:
- Illegal aliens have already proven themselves to be unprofitable citizens to our nation as they begin the relationship with the U.S. on a note deception ie: breaking the law to enter our country. Based on conservative studies, over 60% of all violent crimes are committed by illegal immigrants. SIXTY PERCENT! Imagine 60% less rape, murder, assault crimes happening if illegal immigrants were unable to enter this country. Does that chip away at your freedom?

- Many illegal aliens, including terrorists, use the fairness of our justice system to abuse U.S. citizens. Case in point, illegal aliens have successfully sued a rancher in Arizona for “abuse” because he caught them and held them at gun point for illegally crossing the border onto his land.
In addition to that, the property of Casey Nethercott now belongs to illegal aliens. It was SEIZED by the U.S. Government and given to two illegal immigrants from El Salvador and Mr. Nethercott is in JAIL! See this site for additional information:
The freedom of American citizens is now being compromised as a result of the dollar signs that legal activists groups seek to gain is using our court system to assist illegal immigrants.

- Illegal aliens are now costing the state of California over $9 billion a year to care for. They continue to cost other key states billions of dollars per year as well. Do you think that your tax costs go up and up simply because of inflation? Think again. They go up because of our non-existence borders and unenforced laws. Do you have a say about how your tax dollars are spent and when they increase and by how much? No. How’s that for freedom and liberty from tyrants?

- Over 90% of all illegal drugs are brought into this nation by illegal immigrants! 90%!!!

- Legal immigrants are screened for contagious diseases. Illegal immigrants obviously are not. In spite of many plagues having been eradicated since the 1940’s and 1950’s malaria, dengue, leprosy, hepatitis A-E, chagas disease, and a deadly multi-drug resistance form of tuberculosis cases have been discovered in record numbers in CA, AZ, TX, FL, and NJ and NY! In fact, the majority of these diseases are being found present in illegal aliens. (see more information at
Not only do these diseases cost lives, but they also increase our health spending in the U.S. to treat those who come in contact with the disease, the cost of uninsured, and the cost to properly staff health practitioners in order to properly take on this infiltration pandemic. It is an absolute MYTH to say that the illegal immigrants take on jobs that American Citizens do not. The jobs are not the problem. The pay is the problem. And why is the pay so low? Because there are so many willing illegal immigrants willing to work for it. It’s a manifestation of supply and demand. So don’t blame this on the American work ethic. Assign appropriate blame and encouragement of terrorism to the companies that willingly engage in such activities. Does this affect the freedom of American Citizens and their right to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Absolutely.

- Over $155 billion a year is spent on the care, (there are well over 11 million uninsured illegal aliens in our nation) education, safety, public services, such as libraries, etc.) and welfare of illegal immigrants or their family members here in the U.S. Over $45 billion a year is NOT in circulation in the U.S. because it is sent to the homelands of the illegal immigrants. And finally, it is estimated that over $2 billion in tax dollars are not collected due to cash paid day laborers and other tax avoidance issues practiced by illegal immigrants and their aids.

- The fact that illegal migrant families may be split up due to deportation is not a reason NOT to enforce the law. If my father had robbed a bank and then used that money to support and sustain me, is that reason enough not to deport him? NO. Just because he’s my father? NO. And yet we hear this excuse repeatedly as reasons why less deportation is utilized against illegals.

- California is just one example, but it recently announced that it was going to release as many as 57,000 prisoners over the next 3 years. How many of the CA inmates do you think are illegal immigrants? Overcrowding in prisons is a problem in every single one of our states. Your tax dollars pay for the incarcerations of prisoners. And now California is setting the precedence that your neighborhoods will now be less safe because illegal immigrants are overcrowding the prisons! Let’s be mindful as well that some of those who will be released are indeed illegal immigrants. So now we have them scorning our laws in the first place, being found guilty of scorning them yet again, and now we’re not going to deport them. We’re going to let them go freely.

- Our schools are overcrowded, not only with illegal immigrants themselves, but also with children of illegal immigrants. As a result the education of your children is being compromised. States are not able to pay teachers what they are worth because they instead struggle with the overcrowding problems, costs of free school lunches, having to accommodate the language pediment which may be a impediment, etc.

- We are not being “un-Christian” in deporting these citizens. The scriptures are replete with examples of consequences which will always follow actions of error. And the scriptures likewise promise dire consequences to us if we fritter away this wonderful land we’ve been given as a result of ignoring the value of the freedoms we have. How can we show we value our freedoms if we’re willing to let others trample on them so abundantly?

- Finally, we are losing too many lives to the lawlessness of illegal aliens. We went to war because 2,998 people were killed in the 9/11 attacks. As a result we’ve lost over 4,000 soldiers in our war on Iraq. And yet there are 12 U.S. Citizens dying every day at the hands of an illegal alien! That’s over 4,300 murders EVERY YEAR (no other violent crimes) and fruitful lives of our citizens are lost every day as a result of the blind eye we have towards enforcing illegal immigration! 13 people are killed every day at the hand of illegal alien drivers. That’s over 4,700 American killed EVERY YEAR. Yet no war has been declared against this terrorist act! 8 American children are victims of sexual crimes committed by illegal immigrants EVERY DAY! That’s over 2,900 annually! Of the illegal aliens that have been the subject of incarceration studies it was discovered that illegal immigrants who were in jail had been arrested an average of EIGHT TIMES with an average of THIRTEEN offenses each!

It’s one thing to look at this problem in on small portion at a time. But when you see the big picture, perhaps you can better realize just how serious of a problem it is. Let’s open our borders widely to legal, contributing citizens. The cost otherwise is just too great!

Please, please, please take this seriously. Please have your voice heard by your public officials at all levels. We don’t need to resort to a Boston Tea Party kind of act or violence of any kind. We simply need to pummel the lawmakers with what’s on our minds in this regard. They truly think we are apathetic, that we aren’t paying attention or that we won’t ever notice or organize ourselves to make a difference.

No, I’m not going to give you some kind of a electronic petition to sign and to forward on. You’ve got to take this country back with your own heart and mind. Blood has been spilt for the freedoms we still enjoy. Taking some time to communicate sincere thoughts is the least we can do in their honor and in honor of our generations to come. This is too great of a country for us to just give away in this manner.

Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop. All rights reserved. You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.

Kellene's Playlist

A Worth-While Cause...

A Worth-While Cause...
Kellene with Marie Osmond, Co-Founder of The Children’s Miracle Network and Creator of the beautiful Marie Osmond Dolls. (Be sure to catch Donny and Marie’s Show in Vegas beginning Sept. 9, 2008!)