Thursday, February 19, 2009

Why the Stimulus Package Works!

I think that the stimulus package is a GREAT idea. I think it just may stimulate a wealth of what this nation needs the most of right now…ACTION.

If you had been caught up in a natural disaster and went to the gas pump to purchase fuel only to find that the prices had been jacked up to $10 a gallon, surely you would take action right? You would call the authorities. You would demand that things be made right, right?

Then why are so many of our American citizens allowing for the same price gauging behavior now in the midst of this economic crisis?!

1100 pages of a bill that no one has read and yet our so-called leaders have voted for on our behalf. Really? On our behalf? Was it in our behalf that the gas station jacked up its price to $10 a gallon? No. It was opportunistic politicking. And it’s very much like price guaging.

So many citizens are in a panic mode. They are understandably demanding action. And as a result of our vulnerable pain and concern our political leaders who were voted into office to serve our needs are using such a dire situation to orchestrate their continued role of power and the charade of serving their fellowmen.

And since no one read the 1100 pages of a spending bill, we’re now hearing that there may need to be yet another spending bill to fill in the gaps!

The American people did not cry out for a bill to fix roads, IRS administrative costs, or STD prevention. I’m sorry. This may sound crass here. But why in the world should my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren have to be indebted with a tax burden just because someone can’t take time to use a condom or to manage their hormones?!

They NEED jobs and tax relief! And yet only 12 cents of every dollar we are burdened with in the form of taxes will even go to that end.

If these facts don’t bring you to take action to reclaim your freedom and dignity, then I’m not sure what will. You wouldn’t suffer yourself to endure such indignity of a price gauging at a gas station. Surely you will not stand for something so much worse!

I hope that this stimulus bill creates action on the part of our American citizens, as we’ve had a dearth of such action since the Regan era of capitalism. This bill is a prison sentence to generations upon generations. This bill certainly won’t create jobs. It will make some cronies wealthy, I’m sure. But no government can create jobs for a free people and have them continue to be free. Only we can truly be responsible for our living, our debts, and our future and still have freedom.

Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop. All rights reserved. You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.

Kellene's Playlist

A Worth-While Cause...

A Worth-While Cause...
Kellene with Marie Osmond, Co-Founder of The Children’s Miracle Network and Creator of the beautiful Marie Osmond Dolls. (Be sure to catch Donny and Marie’s Show in Vegas beginning Sept. 9, 2008!)